Blockchain Data Structures

Darren Wurf


So I had some questions...

  • What are blockchains?
  • What makes them different?
  • How do they work?

Something to do with cryptocurrency?


So I had some questions...

  • What are blockchains?
  • What makes them different?
  • How do they work?


A blockchain is a shared ledger where each new block of transactions is signed with a Nakamoto signature.

Two concepts: Shared ledger, and Nakamoto signature

Shared ledger

The shared ledger can be seen as a series of blocks, each of which is presented for signing when it is created. Each block consists of a set of transactions, and each block is built on the previous blocks.

Each block changes the state of the accounts by moving money around. We can create the next block by filling it with transactions, and signing it with a Nakamoto signature.

I considered these other explanations as well, taken from the SALT whitepaper: 1. Executive view: A blockchain is a shared decentralized ledger, enabling business disintermediation and trustless interactions, thereby lowering transaction costs 2. The IT architect and data management view: A blockchain is a shared append-only distributed database with full replication and a cryptographic transaction permissioning model. 3. The blockchain developers and technology view: A blockchain is a peer-to-peer protocol for trust-less execution and recording of transactions secured by asymmetric cryptography in a consistent and immutable chain of blocks.

Nakamoto signature

A Nakamoto signature is a device to allow a group to agree on a shared document. To eliminate the potential for inconsistencies (disagreement), the group engages in a lottery to pick one person's version as the one true document.

The lottery is effected by all members of the group racing to create the longest hash over their copy of the document. The longest hash wins the prize and also becomes a verifiable 'token' of the one true document for members of the group: the Nakamoto signature.

The "longest hash" explanation didn't make sense until I realised they meant the hash of each block joined together.

Darren's interpretation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Blockchains provide a timestamped ledger with shared-write capability to entities who do not trust each other.


So I had some questions...

  • What are blockchains?
  • What makes them different?
  • How do they work?

Is it a database? Maybe I should compare blockchains to a database

Compared to traditional databases

Properties of blockchains:

  • Support for cryptographic controls down to the individual record level
    • Participants can publish cryptographic proofs
    • Network rules prevent misbehaviour, such as double spending
    • Published blocks can't be modified
  • Log-structured, immutable, append-only, peer-to-peer
  • ACID compliant? No: see SALT
  • CAP theorem: Available and Partition Tolerant - eventually consistent - miners vote using Proof of Work

Compared to traditional databases

Downsides of blockchains

  • Very high cost per transaction (power consumption / specialised compute)
  • Dependent on expensive consensus tools, e.g. through Proof of Work (mining)
  • Very high latency for transaction confirmation (e.g. 6 blocks / 1hr)
  • Low capacity and throughput * Bitcoin is limited to 1MB every 10 minutes, averaging about 7 transactions per second
  • Requires incentives to sustain the network, e.g. block reward


So I had some questions...

  • What are blockchains?
  • What makes them different?
  • How do they work?

Maybe looking at the data structures will help me understand

The data structures

  • Chain
  • Blocks
  • Mempool
  • Transactions
  • Merkle trees

The chain

The chain

The block

Bitcoin block structure







tx0 (coinbase)


The first transaction is called the coinbase and is allowed to create new bitcoin.

// Bitcoin block header
int32_t nVersion;        // Block version
char[32] hashPrevBlock;  // sha256
char[32] hashMerkleRoot; // sha256
uint32_t nTime;          // Unix timestamp
uint32_t nBits;          // Difficulty target
uint32_t nNonce;         // Increment nonce to "mine" (change the hash)
Merkle trees: A kind of "cryptographic summary" of the data in the block.

They allow us to hash only the headers.

The mempool

  1. Participant signs transaction and broadcasts it to nodes
  2. Transaction sits in the mempool until a miner picks it up
  3. Winning miner includes transaction in their published block
  • To publish data on the blockchain, people sign a transaction and broadcast it to nodes on the network
  • The published document must satisfy the network rules (e.g. no double-spend)
  • There is often a fee to publish, paid to the miners
  • Nodes store valid, unconfirmed transactions in the mempool

The transaction

A transaction contains:
  • One or more inputs (utxo)
  • One or more outputs
  • Some addresses and signatures

Inputs: Source code doesn't contain "coins" as a concept, uses utxo

  • arbitrary value

Outputs include change from the transaction

The transaction

Cryptographic proof of ownership

Owner 1 wants to send to owner 2:

  • First block: Owner 1's proof that owner 0 send them the coin
  • Second block: Owner 1 creates the transaction, including:

** Recipient's public key

** Owner 1's Digital Signature of:

** * Proof of ownership (previous transaction, first block)

** * Recipient's public key

Lose your private key -> lose your money

Private key stolen -> lose your money

The Merkle Tree







Complex topic. Important points: * Only the block header is hashed * Transactions can be pruned * Merkle tree is magic that can prove a transaction belongs to a block header

The Merkle Tree

Compacting old blocks

Simplified Payment Verification



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